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Stuck With You in New Year

  • Duration: 33m27s
  • Views: 4
  • 02.01.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • It s New Year s Eve and Dad s company is hosting an important party where it s crucial for the family to make a good impression. Yet Mochi and Ricky the familys teenage son and daughter couldn t care less about fitting in and making their dad look nice. They re not interested in getting ready to go out and are more focused on fighting and pranking each other. The only one who keeps order around the house is Annie the step siblings stepmom but today they are behaving especially badly. She is fed up with this behavior and to make things even worse they make her miss the New Years Eve countdown Annies favorite moment because the two step siblings get stuck in a rather sticky situation. Now to start the new year on the right foot Annie will have to get them out of this mess and give them some tough love to teach them a lesson about getting along.

    Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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