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They Dont Teach This at School

  • Duration: 54m43s
  • Views: 4
  • 04.11.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • While working on a school assignment about sex education Mochi and Luna start exploring each others bodies and fooling around. Their stepdads Gi Joey and Sergeant Miles are in the other room so eventually Joey comes to check on them only to find the girls touching each others pussies. Horrified he calls them to the living room to discuss what happened. Luna and Mochi explain to them about the school project and their stepdads realize how little they know about sex. Determined to teach their stepdaughters a lesson on how babies are made Joey and Miles fuck the girls to show them how it works.

    Channels: Daughter Swap Daughter Swap Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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