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Spicing Things Up Our First Interracial Threesome!

  • Duration: 38m52s
  • Views: 7
  • 19.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • My husband didnt think Id actually do it but when I told him I was going to find a third I meant it. Imagine his surprise when I found the perfect big titty milf to have fun with. He was completely stunned. Kelly was amazing from head to toe. Fuck my husband I COULDNT WAIT to get some of that pussy. I started things off by eating her out on the bathroom counter and it wasnt long before my husband came in to give us both his BBC. This little threesome is exactly what I wanted to spice up our sex life. Watching my husband fuck another woman and fill her pussy up awakened a freakiness in me that I didnt know was there. But Kelly isnt just for him I made sure to get as much of that pussy for myself as I could too

    Channels: BBC Paradise BBC Paradise Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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