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Cali Sweets The Homewrecker

  • Duration: 32m54s
  • Views: 29
  • 15.07.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Cali Sweets and Jason Pierce used to work at a restaurant together back in the day and always kind of had a thing for each other. It just so happens that Cali is in town and asked Jason if she could stay over to save on a hotel room. He agrees and they end up doing a little catching up. Jason explains to Cali that now he is in a relationship but did have a thing for her back in the day. In fact they both were into each other but never pulled the trigger. Seeing the new woman as competition and the fact that they haven t fucked as unfinished business Cali hatches a plan to be a home wrecker!

    Channels: DFxtra DFxtra


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