When You Show Up For Your Porn Shoot And Find Out YouRe Going To Be Fucking Your MomS Best Friend

When you show up for your porn shoot and find out you re going to be fucking your mom s best friend Molly Maracas a 60 year old divorcee and mom from England is getting ready for her shoot. She just had her makeup done and she s picking out an outfit when her stud for the day shows up and it turns out it s her friend s son. Yipes! What are you doing here they ask each other. Is that my mother s dress he asks. She knows I borrowed it but she doesn t know why Molly says. They quickly figure out that they re both there to fuck. You re my best friend s son. I m wearing your mother s dress Molly says. We can t do this. Well it turns out they can. And they do. Molly s perfect evening A long walk a nice meal and a slow sensual fuck outside. Molly has been a nurse and an IT person. She s a nudist. She used to be a swinger. Sex with younger men Regularly. We wonder which of her other best friends sons she s fucked.