We Spank In This Household
- Duration: 48m43s
- Views: 27
- 04.05.2024
A cultural exchange student Holly Day has been staying with a married couple Penny Barber and Ken Feels. However Holly has been behaving badly always arriving late to the dinner table nitpicking their cooking never helping around the house the list goes on and on. When Penny and Ken confront Holly about this they say that theyre thinking of sending Holly back home. Holly is shocked and tries to apologize saying she just didnt realize how her behavior was coming across to them. Holly asks if theres some way she can make it up to them instead of getting sent home... they can even SPANK her if they want! Penny and Ken are surprised but agree that it should be okay since Holly is the one who suggested the spanking. The couple begins to spank Holly to instill some discipline a bit tentatively at first but eventually spanking harder and even removing Hollys shorts and panties. Its clear that all three of them are becoming increasingly aroused. They agree that the couple can discipline Holly through energetic sex including Holly giving Ken a blowjob while shes still getting spanked by Penny and having Penny facesit on Holly.