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Water they doing

  • Duration: 34m18s
  • Views: 65
  • 26.07.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (1 vote, average: 3.00 from 5)
  • Everyone is different but everyone lives by the same rules. At least that s what Helena thought. A person should not interfere with another person s freedom. A person should not intrude another person s personal space. A person should breathe with the full breath even when it s hard and sad. All in all a set of rules is often called wisdom. But then this nasty guy shows up. Yes of course he claims he wasn t peeking and didn t mean to disturb Helena at all. But why are his swim trunks so ripe Why is he staring so carnivorously at Helena s breasts Perhaps the answer is simple the wisdom of a teenager is to fuck anything that moves...

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