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To Die For Part 1

  • Duration: 50m21s
  • Views: 61
  • 14.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • To Die For Part 1 of 3 Everyone has secrets and is always looking for someone to confide in. Cory is no different and as of recently she has more and more twisted and sexy secrets to keep hush hush. Whether it s her stepson Rico her husband Charles or her star student Tony Cory captivates any man who looks her way. Trapped in a loveless marriage depressed about her stepson leaving for college and racked with guilt over having a secret affair with one of her students Cory s world is in upheaval. Her world is about to turn upside down through a series of unexpected events starting with a very dark threesome with her stepson and husband.

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