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The Pampering She Deserves

  • Duration: 45m18s
  • Views: 7
  • 30.04.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Nicole Kitt arrives home late due to a recent promotion at work. She finds a series of romantic gifts from her girlfriend Olive Glass in various rooms around their home to congratulate her on the promotion. The final gift is that their bedroom has been decorated to look like a spa complete with a massage table. However because Nicole came home late Olive is already snoring on the bed! Nicole is deeply moved by Olives efforts and decides to give her a massage after rousing her. When Olive points out that SHE is supposed to be the one giving the massage Nicole insists that now its HER turn to do something romantic. Olive is happy enough to accept which leads to a very intimate massage and sweet lovemaking.

    Channels: Adult Time Adult Time


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