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The Fraternitys Fuck Toy

  • Duration: 49m54s
  • Views: 0
  • 19.03.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Jill a college freshman had always dreamt of joining the most prestigious and wild! sorority on campus. After months of anticipation she finally received a coveted invitation. However Jill s excitement quickly turns to trepidation when she learns that her boyfriend Donatello who is also the fraternitys president cannot help her in the process. The initiation ritual involves her doing each and every one of Josh s one of the frats brothers and Donatellos right hand commands while her boyfriend watches. The ceremony is rigorous and Jill is expected to show her loyalty to her new sorority even as her future fraternity brothers feel her up. Passing the first test with flying colors Jill shows her potential but the process of being accepted is long and filled with multiple challenges. But nothing is going to stop Jill from joining the sorority of her dreams even if it means taking the cocks of her boyfriend and his right at the same time.

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