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Surprise Morning Slurpage From My Step Daughter

  • Duration: 14m20s
  • Views: 0
  • 20.02.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • After a long day at work sometimes I crash on the couch which I did today but I felt a good but strange feeling. I look down to see what is happening and I can not believe I see my Step Daughter Mackenzie sucking me off she was just giving me a blowjob well I was out on the couch. I freak out as any Step Dad would Mackenzie tells me to relax and reassures me that her Step Mom is out and will be out for a while. I gotta admit the way she was sucking my cock felt so good even though it was wrong. Mackenzie wants to feel Step Daddy inside of her and who am I to tell her no. I let her slide my big dick deep in her tight pussy I can not believe I am fucking my hot tight Step Daughter while my Wife is out. SEE MORE

    Channels: Filthy Kings Filthy Kings


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