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Shy Guy Fucks Slutty Colleagues Kira Queen and Irina Cage at the Office GP2303

  • Duration: 54m56s
  • Views: 34
  • 13.09.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Its Thursday afternoon at the office and Vince a relatively new employee is trying to get a bit of work done when his boos Kira Queen comes into the office and starts cozying up to him. Being the shy anxious guy that he is he removes himself from the situation and goes to grab a cup of coffee so as to recompose himself. When he returns hes surprised to find Kira and his colleague Irina Cage pleasuring each other. Although he tries to continue working as if nothing has happened the two sluts with their pussies and tits out approach him. Completely disarmed and unable to resist he ends up fucking both of his colleagues right then and there.

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