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Sexy bubble butt Jada Stevens gets fucked by her mans friend

  • Duration: 30m16s
  • Views: 9
  • 29.07.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Karlo drops off a birthday gift to his friend Jada Stevens the sexy girl who he turned down four years ago when she was 16. She s an adult now and hotter than all hell and he confides in her that he was disappointed that he eventually lost her to his buddy and that he wanted to be her first fuck. Jada tells him that she and her boyfriend still haven t done the nasty and that she s always wanted Karlo to fuck her! He s in luck because her man isn t home ... perfect timing for Karlo to give Jada the birthday gift she really wants a throatfucking from Karlo s massive cock then a pussy pounding while her fat big ass bounces as she cums over and over and over again!

    Channels: Naughty America Naughty America


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