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Nylon Encasement Part 1

  • Duration: 21m29s
  • Views: 35
  • 21.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • So a friend of mine gave me this jumpsuit and mentioned the words nylon encasement. Well I can tell you that I was totally encased and loved the feeling of the soft shiny sheer nylon fabric. There are 3 bonus additions as well with the sheer bra underneath the PVC thigh high boots and the 2 way zip which goes all the way underneath so both Jim myself and my dildo can have easy access to my holes. Its a win win win situation as far as I can see!

    Channels: Laras Playground Laras Playground Channels: Adult Prime Adult Prime


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