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Making Him Jealous

  • Duration: 29m19s
  • Views: 29
  • 06.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Danny Steele a high school principal gets a surprise visit from Serena Santos a former student of his who is now in college. Serena hints that she s learned how to do some VERY sexy things in college which makes Danny a bit jealous. She offers to get frisky with him but Danny isn t sure that would be appropriate. She points out that she s over 18 plus she s not his student anymore so there s nothing wrong with having a relationship. Besides he s the school principal so he s not going to send HIMSELF to the principal s office over this is he Nobody has to know about what they re doing. They kiss and Serena begins to show Danny all the sexy techniques she s learned in college...

    Channels: Wicked Wicked


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