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Lesbian Loula Part 2

  • Duration: 24m04s
  • Views: 101
  • 21.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • So having taken off our pretty 1950s retro dresses Loula and I decided on a costume change. So we decided since we d already been good girls relatively that we should become whore. So I put on thigh high boots my Pretty Woman ensemble and Loula was wearing a leather look body suit. I asked her to keep the long black lace gloves on as I thought they looked really sexy. I liked them so much that I got Loula to stuff my pussy with them and pull them out slowly as you do! Filthy stuff and we love it!

    Channels: Laras Playground Laras Playground Channels: Adult Prime Adult Prime


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