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I Just Want to Make My Master Pleased

  • Duration: 37m06s
  • Views: 3
  • 10.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Im a very busy man and barely have time for myself so I thought hiring someone to help me clean the house would be a great idea. When the chick that I hired walked in I was immediately shocked by the tiny and sexy uniform she was wearing. All I wanted to do was bang her right there in the living room but Im professional so I just made her clean. It only took a few minutes before she came back to me and started rubbing her body against mine. Every part of me is included in the service. I thought about firing her but she was already on top of me riding my dick and all I wanted to do was rip that uniform off and eat her boobs so I caved in. No need to say it but I will be hiring her again very soon.

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