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Hot Nights Cold Scene 4

  • Duration: 2h22m26s
  • Views: 113
  • 02.09.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Olivia a strip club cocktail waitress turned dancer gets entangled with her married mob affiliated boss Sal after breaking up with her boyfriend. When Sal s wife Gia spies the two of them fucking during a one on one meeting she s had enough she conspires with her husband s friend and fellow gangster Bobby to her husband and take over his profitable strip club. When Bobby betrays Gia by bailing on their master plan in favor of his friendship with Sal Gia has no choice but to execute her plan alone or better yet find another partner. Will she be able to draw Olivia away from Sal and over to the dark side


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