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HomeSchool Sex Ed

  • Duration: 46m47s
  • Views: 0
  • 19.03.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Sophia notices her stepson Nade has been having serious issues at public school. When talking with her friend Cory she tells her she home schools her stepson Nick for the same reason and offers to help Sophia out by letting Nade take a couple of fundamental courses with her. A few months later Nade seems to be doing better and showing significant growth in all his core subjects. One day Sophia decides to drop in unannounced and is shocked to find both Nade and Nick taking turns to eat Corys pussy. The teacher explains to her that this is a sex education course another key subject the boys need to learn about. After the initial shock Sophia accepts that Corys teaching methods do give results so she decides to volunteer herself to help Nick and Nade learn more about sex ed. r

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