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He Swallows It All The Way Putalocura.Com

  • Duration: 11m20s
  • Views: 37
  • 07.01.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Mysteriously there are chicks who have the amazing ability to suck a cock practically to the balls! As is the case of Laura Hardkinks the young Basque girl opens her throat in such a way that she can accommodate a cock that exceeds 25 centimeters in length! It s tremendous! If you ve never seen her sucking cock it s time to press play and enjoy a spectacular sabre cleaning one of those blowjobs that very few girls are able to achieve! Don t ask me if this ability is trained or if they are simply born with this gift but the only certain thing is that if you are lucky enough to meet a female like this in your life... I assure you that you will flip out! Watch out for Laura s gagging she has to do real juggling to keep from vomiting! But she holds on like a champion and despite the fact that she tears up non stop and her eyes turn red like ripe tomatoes she continues sucking like a champion until she achieves her true purpose! A nice splash of hot milk the kind she likes so much and enjoys tasting in her mouth just before swallowing every last lump! It s a fucking marvel!

    Channels: Putalocura Putalocura


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