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Front Row Ready The Slutty Stepdaughter Era

  • Duration: 35m08s
  • Views: 0
  • 19.03.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Daisy is a Swifty. She is dying to see her idol performing live and has recently learned that she will be touring in her city. She has no money for tickets so she decides to talk to Eric her stepdad. As a teenage girl she barely acknowledges Erics existence and thinks everything he does is cringe but now she has no choice but to get along with him. Eric is a bit surprised to see Daisy coming to him for this but he decides to take advantage of the situation. He just wants to spend some quality time with his favorite stepdaughter so he uses it as an excuse to get closer to her. Erics idea of quality time with Daisy can be a little unorthodox as he sees it as an opportunity to test Daisys sexual talents. Daisy is not especially fond of this but soon she realizes that this is the only way to get front row tickets to see her favorite artists.

Channels: Dad Crush Dad Crush Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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