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Friendly Freeuse Neighbor

  • Duration: 36m36s
  • Views: 5
  • 03.11.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • What happens when you knock on a friendly neighborhoods door and the bodacious milf Crystal Rush shows up Mike and his stepson Rion are going door to door offering people a helping hand but they didnt expect to find a nice hot vixen with a delicious body and a seductive attitude. She also needs their help with fixing her computer a perfect excuse to lure the men in. Crystals house runs on a strict freeuse policy so she is obliged to masturbate Rion while Mike twists her soft nipples. Grateful for her neighbors help she invites them to stay for dinner a nice opportunity to snack on the guys dicks while cooking. Hitting it off with Crystal Mike and Rion come to aid her once more when she finds some plumbing issues at her home. Rion repairs the nice ladys pipes as Crystal goes down on him once more. Mike is playing with the milfs bouncy booty when she receives a phone call. Its Crystals boss an awful man who doesnt treat her nicely. The guys stay to listen to Crystal and make her feel better while she eats their cock and gets her pussy pounded. A beautiful friendship is born between Crystal and her neighbors one based on listening trust and freeuse!

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