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Friendly Competition

  • Duration: 40m13s
  • Views: 17
  • 17.03.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Kay Lovely is playing pool with her date Robby Echo. Kay s roommate Paige Owens sees them having fun and asks if she can join in. As the game becomes increasingly competitive Paige offers to make things more interesting by saying that if she makes the next shot she gets to take her shirt off. Paige successfully makes the first shot so she takes her top off... and she s NOT wearing a bra underneath! Kay is surprised saying she didn t think Paige would actually do that. But Paige says that turning this pool game into strip pool sounds extra fun so why not Robby and Kay end up agreeing so the game continues and before long Robby ends up losing his pants and then his underwear. Kay suggests that maybe she and Paige should change the game into a competition over Robby s dick so they start sucking on his dick and balls. Next the ladies get fully undressed for even MORE fun. Pool is great but it looks like they ve found something better!

Channels: Wicked Wicked


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