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Free Use Secretaries Save Stressed Business Men

  • Duration: 30m41s
  • Views: 9
  • 03.11.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Danny and Vince have been working for this very important firm for a long time now. Having a high paying job comes with many stressful drawbacks. You re often staying up late essentially living in the office which eventually leads to a drop in productivity and morale. The constant pressure to perform at the highest level can be overwhelming leaving little time for personal life or relaxation. The demand for perfection can make it difficult to step away from work creating a vicious cycle of exhaustion and dissatisfaction thats why the higher ups hired three girls to help carry the load Angelina Audrey and Jupiter have one mission and one mission only to please and destress the very important men doing their very important jobs. They always start their days bending over a wall so the guys as soon as they get to the office can come up behind them lift their tight pencil skirts and slowly fuck their pussies to begin their shift stress free and relaxed. After that is free use city in there the guys use their hot bodies in whichever way they please on their knees sucking their cocks up on the table to get fucked or even fucking each other as they discuss important work stuff. The combinations are endless and limitless and the girls love the fact that they get to help them improve their productivity while getting their pussies pounded all day long and going home with their pretty faces full of cum!

    Channels: FreeUse Milf FreeUse Milf Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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