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For Your Eyes Only

  • Duration: 21m18s
  • Views: 46
  • 18.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • This week its all about you the viewer. I know you re sitting there watching me with your stiff cock in your hands and slowly rubbing it up and down. Teasing the tip of your cock and then gliding down towards your throbbing balls. I know you re going to eventually start rubbing harder and faster until eventually you just can t take any more but stop yourself and watch everything I do. From slowly undressing knowing your focus is totally on me that I have total control as I walk sexily towards you just beyond your reach so you can t touch me. Then kneeling before you ready to take your cock in my mouth as deeply as I can giving you a really wet blow job. I want you to watch me take off my bra and panties and rub my pussy slowly at first and then building it up whilst fingering my arse until l orgasm. I want you to cum too. In fact I want you to exploding your jizz everywhere at the same time I do. I know we can take this game further next week you re in control in a role play that we have concocted.

    Channels: Laras Playground Laras Playground Channels: Adult Prime Adult Prime


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