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Erika And Margo Both 19 Have Hardcore Lesbian Sex Outdoors Complete With Tit Sucking Pussy Licking And Fingering Next To A Lake.

  • Duration: 22m36s
  • Views: 5
  • 02.01.2025
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Erika and Margo both 19 have hardcore lesbian sex outdoors complete with tit sucking pussy licking and fingering next to a lake. You might recognize Margo from our issue Naughty Neighbors Vol. 30 No. 01 where she stripped down fingered her pussy and shared a little bit about her life. In that interview she mentioned that she thought she was a lesbian for a long time because she slept with a bunch of girls before she got with a guy. She didn t trade pussy for cock though. She likes em both. So we told her to prove it. That s when she told us that her friend Erika would be interested in shooting for our mag. We re really good friends Erika shared. We also like to mess around with each other from time to time. Margo chimed in She likes when I dominate her pussy and then she laughed causing Erika to blush. She s not wrong about that. Margo is really good at getting me off. It s kind of unfair. She knows exactly how I like my clit licked and my pussy fingered. I ve never been with a guy who can get me off with his mouth. I think girls are just naturally better at eating pussy because they understand what it s like to have your pussy eaten poorly. Most of the guys I ve been with have either been turned off by eating me out or they ve been way too enthusiastic and they end up going way too hard. Margo told us that she and Erika weren t always such good friends. We hated each other at first. It was typical girl drama. We were dating the same guy. I started dating him first Erika interjected. You did not! You always make stuff up. They laughed with each other playfully grabbing each other s shoulders. Anyway Margo continued. That guy suggested that we have a threesome and we both agreed. But a few minutes into the sex we both realized that we were more interested in pussy than cock that night.

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