Double Trouble

So as you saw in the last episode Holly and I are both dressed all in black skin tight wet look leggings thigh high boots and black top. We either look very dominant or as if we are off on a Charlies Angels Mission Impossible escapade! It seems I ve started a bit of a craze with these wet look leggings and you all seem to love it when they get ripped open as I get fucked. In fact I get more emails asking for more of this than anything else. So yes my lovely followers of filth I will fulfil your requests. So I rip Hollys leggings open she rips mine open we both look and behave like filthy sluts and fuck each other senseless....and then Jim suggests we take the leggings off but with the aid of a pair of scissors. I m saying no more you ll have to watch as I show off my skills as legging transformation expert.