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David Part 1

  • Duration: 20m38s
  • Views: 13
  • 21.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Now this week I have gone back to my roots in the clothing department. I am wearing a fabulous retro dress my black fully fashioned stockings and a fantastic corselette. I ve even found a dildo to play with! As many of you will know I don t feel the need to use dildos when there s a dick to play with. However in this instance I have to wait for the penis to arrive before I can play with it so in a rare moment of madness I whip one out from under the bed and slide it into my wet pussy to have a cheeky walk before the guy arrives

    Channels: Laras Playground Laras Playground Channels: Adult Prime Adult Prime


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