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Czechav 73 Two Cocks For The Bartender 73

  • Duration: 24m31s
  • Views: 4
  • 06.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Once again we tried hitting on girls in two because two is always better than one! I and my friend equipped with the camera set off to a well known a place occupied by beautiful single girls. We checked the perimeter and found out there really were some beautiful girls. However none was willing to talk to us. Posh bitches! But we did not give up easily so we started hitting on the bartender. We convinced her to show us her ass for 3 000 CZK. In the bathroom we showed her what 20 000 CZK looks like and offered her to close the place and fuck us both in the bathroom. Did she agree What do you think Watch and have fun!!!

Channels: Czechstreets Czechstreets Channels: Czech AV Czech AV


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