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Concept TeamSkeet University

  • Duration: 1h11m39s
  • Views: 1
  • 23.02.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Whats up TeamSkeet fans Hope you are horny for a College based Labs experiment! The concept Well TeamSkeet University of course!Sherrie and Laya are best friends and roomies in college. However ever since Laya met Parker and started a relationship with her the only time Sherrie gets to spend time with Laya is when she hears Laya and Parker having sex late at night after a wild party. After a moment of weakness Sherrie ends up hooking up with Parker and it doesnt take her long to confess everything to Laya. Laya seems to be surprisingly fine with the news since she wanted to ask Sherrie to get into a threesome with her and Parker anyway.

Channels: TeamSkeet Labs TeamSkeet Labs Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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