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Concept Shutting Up Karens

  • Duration: 31m50s
  • Views: 3
  • 20.02.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Whats up MYLF lovers Heres a new Labs experiment we know youve been fantasizing about. You know Karens right Those entitled ladies just cant stop bossing people around to get what they want. Well sometimes Karens need someone who can put her in the place where she belongs! Hot Krystal Sparks is as Karen as it gets. She has hired a plumber for a wide variety of jobs around the house and she is short judgemental and downright rude to Rion the poor plumber the entire time. At the end of the day when the bill comes she thinks she can argue her way to a free service but this time the plumbing company is not letting it happen. Krystal is now stuck with a huge service bill she cant pay and begs the plumber to help her out. Its time to give Krystal what she desperately needs! r

    Channels: Mylf Labs Mylf Labs Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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