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Cocks Stacked Against You

  • Duration: 50m49s
  • Views: 65
  • 23.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (1 vote, average: 5.00 from 5)
  • Athena has always been very protective of her stepbrother Austin. The guy is constantly bullied by David a total douchebag from his school but he doesnt do anything about it and Athena has had enough. She actually heard a rumor about David leaving a classmate alone after losing a bet so she takes action and invites David to their place for a friendly card game. David shows up and plays along curious to see what may happen. Athena proposes a deal to him if either she or Austin wins he will have to leave her stepbrother alone. David loves his odds and accepts the wager beating the step siblings effortlessly. Athenas plan backfires and she suddenly becomes David s fuck toy. Yet playing nice to him and sucking his dick wont be enough. David wants to fuck Athena and involve Austin in the equation to teach the step siblings not to mess up with him.

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