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Busty Teacher Plays With the Principals Cock To Hide Her Secret

  • Duration: 36m54s
  • Views: 47
  • 30.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Taylor is the schools Chemistry teacher. The blond and innocent looking milf is loved by her students but she has a dark secret she has been utilizing the chemistry room breaking bad style to make narcotics. Her husbands health is not good and she desperately needs the extra money to pay off the family debts. Her plan seems to be working fine until Principal Rebel calls her into his office. The pervy headmaster has her on tape manufacturing illegal substances in the schools promises so Taylor breaks up and starts crying. She tries to explain the situation to him but Mr. Rebel cannot put up with it unless she collaborates with him. Nicky loves striking filthy deals with the staff and he has laid his eyes on Talyors huge tits a long time ago. He will get his share of Taylors illegal business but he will also earn some interest by experimenting with Taylor. The poor teacher sits on the principals cock and calls her husband to tell him everything will be OK while Nicky fucks her.

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