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Bunk Fucking While Cucking The Sorority Sis

  • Duration: 32m51s
  • Views: 168
  • 25.08.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • When sorority sis Jazmin and her frat boyfriend Alex decide to buckle down and do homework they soon get bored. Jazmin gives him a sloppy BJ but theyre interrupted by Lily her nerdy but extremely hot roomie. Jazmin leaves in a huff with her boyfriend who Lily waves at as Lily settles down to study in her bunk. Horny from seeing Alexs cock Lily starts to touch her wet pussy on the bed Just in time for Alex to return and catch her! Lily is surprised but beckons him over to fuck her in the bunk. When Jazmin comes looking for Alex he and Lily pull the bunk curtain closed before booking it to the adjoining dorm room when Jazmin gets distracted by a friend. During intense fucking in the 2nd dorm room Alex shoots cum into one of Jazmins textbooks Which Jazmin finds out when she tries opening it up after busting cheating Alex and Lily and kicking them out!


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