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Bigger Fish To Fry

  • Duration: 55m53s
  • Views: 16
  • 03.05.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • An angry woman Hayley Haley Reed tracks down her friend Eli Daniel Shar who has been using her personal pictures on fake dating profiles to catfish wealthy men. But the smooth talking Eli defuses her anger giving her a glimpse into his scheme and how hes managed to maintain a lavish lifestyle because of it. In fact he partially has Hayley to thank since her dating profile is one of his best performing! Although Hayley is a little weirded out at first she becomes flattered and intrigued. Using his charms Eli eventually manages to convince her to team up with him and share the spoils. Their target a wealthy businessman named Trenton Ken Feels who has it BAD for Hayley... Another day Trenton arrives for a date but has no idea that Hayley is being fed lines by Eli via earpiece. Despite some small flubs with Eli correcting the course as needed Hayley eventually becomes so confident that she seduces Trenton convincing him to go way further than even Eli had expected.

    Channels: Adult Time Adult Time


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