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Big Tits Lesbian Gym Sex Orgasms

  • Duration: 24m42s
  • Views: 26
  • 01.09.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • After a grueling workout of lunges and squats in their tightest and tiniest spandex buxom besties Barbara and Blanche are more than ready to spot each other doing something other than lifting weights. As buff brunette Barbara moves through her post workout splits her stunning blonde workout partner offers her a drink of cool water tipping the bottle so it trickles over her pierced tongue and onto her impressive cleavage and finally soaking her tight white workout shorts. Barbara reaches in to liberate Blanche s massive tits slowly sucking on each nipple before peeling off her clothes to eat her pussy. Blanch returns the favor by finger banging Barbara s tight pussy giving her an intense but healing orgasm that floods her muscles with relief. It s all in a day s work for these lovely lesbians who know that no pain no gain is not always the best motto for staying fit!

    Channels: Sexy Hub Sexy Hub


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