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An Allstar That Cums With Fries!

  • Duration: 48m09s
  • Views: 4
  • 03.11.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • TeamSkeet! Its time to celebrate your September AllStar! You know as well as we do that Lana Smalls is an all time favorite and one of the hottest and most adored models in the industry. She has everything and then some fantastic body knows how to work the camera and shes just a great and fun personality to be around. We wanted to show her some TeamSkeet love and celebrate Lana in celebration of September and the upcoming Swappz Feature Swapception. Which by the way you wont want to miss. Swapception is going to be packed with unforgettable raw hardcore moments featuring the best we have to offer. But back to Lana. In this AllStars scene Lana works under Nade a fast food manager with a soft spot for Lana. He works her hard but its because he pines for her. Nade wants to fuck Lana like its nobodys business and the day he sees his chance he jumps at it. Her shake most certainly comes with fries and he takes her for a ride. Lana shows us why shes 1 in the business and takes Nades cock like a champ. She wants to cum all over his cock giving herself that intense shaking orgasm she deserves. Nade fucks hard until he busts a big fat nut for Lana to enjoy. She may be Small but she sure does love big cock! Show Lana some love in the comments below and be sure to check her out in the upcoming movie Swapception!

    Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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