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Alison Reys dirty secret is that she loves fucking her friends husbands

  • Duration: 38m43s
  • Views: 43
  • 13.09.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Alison Rey and her friend devise a plan to make sure that her friend s husband is loyal. The plan is for Alison to invite him over and try to seduce him into fucking her. If he agrees then Alison can report back and let her friend know that her husband is a cheater but Alison has another secret plan that she s not telling her friend about. You see Alison loves fucking all of her friend s husbands. So when her friend s husband shows up Alison seduces him into fucking her but she tells her friend that he didn t. Alison got what she wanted and that is all that matters.



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