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A League of Her Own Part 1 A Rising Star

  • Duration: 36m02s
  • Views: 24
  • 26.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • A League of Her Own Part 1 of 3 Callie Brooks is a fearsome baseball coach but shes been out of the game for a while. Now facing eviction she needs to get her act together so she takes on an offer to coach a less than desirable baseball team. These guys are clueless and its up to Callie to get them into shape. However Logan a star player expelled from his previous institution could be the ticket to their success. If Callie wants Logans help shell need to sweeten the deal. Jodie Matty Parker and Victor must fall in line to get the same special treatment!

    Channels: Milfty Milfty Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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