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A Fun gi Side

  • Duration: 34m42s
  • Views: 18
  • 21.07.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)
  • Mushrooms are an ambiguous thing. For some people it is a complete food for others it is just a condiment and for others it is completely inedible rubbish. But this daddy was one of the first. He adored mushrooms and for shroom sake was ready to interrupt even a long awaited trip to the countryside. Fortunately his enthusiasm was shared by his kiddo s new girlfriend. So much so that the search for mushrooms turned into a wonderful coitus worthy of mention in the annals of the ancient Romans or perhaps in the botany books of Victorian England...

    Channels: Daddy4K Daddy4K Channels: Vip4k Vip4k


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