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A Freeuse Spring Break With Stepdaddy

  • Duration: 54m31s
  • Views: 0
  • 22.03.2025
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (No ratings yet)

Amber and her best friend Chloe are bummed that they didnt get to travel for Spring Break this year. Determined to make them happy Donnie the Ambers stepdad tries to create a home version of Spring Break with a kiddie pool and all kinds of activities. Amber and Chloe know it is not the same but they appreciate Donnies attempt to give them something fun to do so they try to play along. Still Donnie wants the girls to get what they want so he encourages them to do some chores around the house to get money for a nice getaway. Chloe and Amber are happy to help in the kitchen while Donnie supervises and freeuses them. Eventually the girls manage to save some money to rent a place for Spring Break so they decide to take Donnie with them as a token of their gratitude and a good excuse for more freeuse fun!

Channels: Freeuse Fantasy Freeuse Fantasy Channels: Team Skeet Team Skeet


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