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Feast of the Flesh

  • Duration: 41m04s
  • Views: 40
  • 08.12.2024
  • 1 Star2 Star3 Star4 Star5 Star (1 vote, average: 3.00 from 5)
  • Ive been really nervous about meeting Anthonys parents for the first time. We just got engaged and I really want his family to like me. When we got to their house something seemed off. His parents were lovely to me and gave me all types of compliments about how I looked but I could sense danger. Despite this I couldnt leave I was drawn to them unable to take my eyes off them. How can parents look so.. Hot When I went to get ready for the special feast they kept talking about they gave me a gift a blindfold. Anthony told me to cover my eyes get naked and follow him. I knew something was off but my body really wanted to do it. When we got to the room he wanted he made me lay down on a table still blindfolded. I only understood what was going on when I started feeling Anthonys tongue in my vagina. I could tell we were not alone Anthonys parents were there. I felt someone else licking my boobs and someone s cock inside of me. I was the feast they were talking about. They were devouring me in the best way possible and I had no intention of stopping either of them.

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